Geoffrey Wiseman

Bartender Dance

January 30, 2015

So, having been a long-time Mac user and a bit of a power user (developer), I have lots of apps installed, a fir number of tools and many of them want to sit on my menubar, or at least have little utilities that sit on my menubar. I've disabled some here and there, but often I actually like the tool and like having quick access to it.

Still, the menubar tray gets very crowded, and it feels like clutter.

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Drobo Rebooting Again...

January 8, 2015

Drobo 5DSo, my Drobo 5D, which I had troubles with this summer, surprised me last week by going into data protection mode and showing the third bay as empty, even though it wasn't.

I updated the firmware (automatic updates were off, for some reason) and Drobo...

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Pokémon Expansion Symbols

December 4, 2014

My six-year-old son (and, seemingly, his entire school) are into the Pokémon trading cards. They don't trade them, and although we've played with him, very few of the other students his age know how to play the game properly. Still, they like having the cards and showing them to each other.

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Complete My Bundle Pricing

October 14, 2014

Apple App StoreApp Bundles and Complete My Bundle both seem like reasonable additions to the app store, ways to encourage repeat customers and to reward loyal customers. Maybe not as good as upgrade pricing, but that's a whole other kettle of fish.


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Resolving a Drobo Failure

September 4, 2014

Drobo 5DI have a Drobo 5D (, When my server started running out of space, I looked around at NAS (network-attached storage) and DAS (direct-attached storage) options, and eventually settled on the Drobo 5D. I wanted something that would be pretty fast, and while NAS units can be fairly fast, they're limited by the network. The Drobo 5D supported thunderbolt, and has a very simple, easy to understand expansion model.

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Sketch, Affinity, Skala

August 3, 2014

Five years ago, when I would look for a vector design tool on the mac, there really didn't seem to be much. Illustrator has always felt very opaque to me, Inkscape's requirement on X made it mac-compatible, but felt very clumsy.

Lately, this seems...

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My Recent Coworker

July 27, 2014

I spent some of the last week at a Cottage south of Sauble Beach, ON, and while I was there, I was doing some work on the back deck with an enthusiastic if somewhat distracting co-worker:


He really liked almonds, and we got along well enough:

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